Pudding Camera

Pudding Camera’s 9 Quality Cameras and 8 Beautiful Films - with various aspect ratios, Multi-frame shots, Fish-eye and toy camera effects - will enable anyone to produce gorgeous photography with DSLR quality.

(Korea Telecom 2012 )


Pudding camera is an alternative to the default camera app for taking photos on mobile devices. It provides many interesting features in your hands that effectively transforms your cellphone into a superb digital camera.

Pudding’s key feature is the ability to mix camera and film effects to produce output satisfying photos. It supports 2-shot, 4-shot, and fisheye shots found on toy cameras and applies color characteristics from various films types. Pudding camera was well received amongst photography hobbyists and celebrities in Asia and South America. I worked in the iOS team for 1.5 years as a product designer where we went through two major refresh to the app. The refresh claimed #2 spot on camera apps in Chinese app store, increasing 140% in daily downloads, recording 20M total downloads that year. This was especially meaning to me as a Korean designer working in Korea, because it became one of few local Korean app that become successful globally and taught me about global marketing.


Pudding camera did a great job in applying Skeuomorphism design. The app features realistic interactive motions such as changing films or rotating dials which were praised by photographers. However, smart phone performance was struggling when applying animation and effects on live-preview screen. Applying the same effect resulted in choppy preview screen and delays in response time.


To close the gap between performance and film effects on the live-preview screen, we spent two months running performance tests and user tests to find the right balance between visual effects and usability.

We further tuned the performance to enable features from film cameras such as configurable aperture, face focus, guideline, configurable shutter speed, providing a realistic experience of operating a film camera.

Pudding Camera 2.0

Pudding Camera 2.0


Studio BlackWeb for coworking space (Hyundai Card 2016)


CyworldSocial Network (SK Communications 2010)